
So this is my first post...


I honestly thought I would have more things to say. I am usually quite verbose in person, with a multitude of useless pablum to voice like the sentence I am now writing. I suppose now would be a good time to give a kind of mission statement to this blog.

The main purpose of Twitch Space is to allow me to muse about and give opinions on the topics I find most interesting to me.

Great, now I've just reiterated what every blog in existence is...

Perhaps I should give you a bit of background on myself so that you can go on your merry way and ignore me if my tastes are not to your liking. I am currently a student of English Literature, about to resume my studies this fall. My hobbies and interests include but are not limited to: literary analysis, pop-culture, comic books and video games.

Great, now I've just reiterated what a nerd is...

I think I'll quit while I'm ahead, and post something more meaningful (yeah right) later...


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