Swatting is NOT ok

Image result for SWAT

It should go without saying, but there is a clear line between trolling and criminal activity. Such obvious nuance is apparently beyond the scumbag who swatted poor Peter Simeti. For those who don't know, swatting is when you make a fraudulent police call, claiming that someone is dangerous and typically resulting in SWAT teams assaulting innocent people, often while they are broadcasting live.

The horrid crime that makes him deserving of such vile treatment? Peter Simeti, an independent comics entrepreneur, is nice to all customers, regardless of their political affiliation. Rather than take a solid side in culture wars, he decided to play it neutral, and he was castigated for it. Now it appears that his attempt to grow his customer base has resulted in potentially life-threatening attacks.

Make no mistake, using the police to punish people with whom you disagree is not funny. Attempting to silence your opposition by making them afraid for their lives is not heroic or just.

It's the very definition of terrorism. 


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